Intraday Trading Strategy With Stock Scanner
Tradebook Video course
In this video course, we are going to see one of the best intraday trading strategies that can be applied in Equity, Futures and options. You will learn how to choose the right stock for intraday trading. That has an accuracy of 75% which makes it one of the most successful intraday trading strategies on the internet. You will also get a stock selection live scanner and the back-test data that you can access through your smartphone tablet or laptop, scanner provided in this course is free for a lifetime. This Intraday strategy has been back-tested for more than 578 hours.
This course is designed in a way that even a beginner can learn and apply its a step by step guide, 100% price action strategy, No Complicated indicator used.
What you will get inside the course. ↓↓↓
Learn how to select equity stock for intraday.
Learn to select a stock that has the potential to give a big move.
You will get access to a premium scanner for a lifetime that to help you in your stock selection journey
The psychology behind Strategy.
The Intraday Strategy
The logic behind the strategy.
Get Back-test Data Up-to 9 months.
The best part of this course is on every purchase you make we donate 2% of it to charity.
This strategy is so simple and effective that a beginner can also learn easily and make a profit from the market on daily basis, this strategy has low risk and high reward. This is why we call it a successful intraday trading strategy.
If you purchased any of our courses you find out that my teaching style is so simple and easy to follow.